healthcare cost

Devices & Diagnostics

Time for a staycation? Some American medical tourists may need only to hop county or state lines

The NYTimes points toward areas of the United States where surgeries may be much cheaper   for some patients, in part due to programs trying to drive down costs, in a comment-driven follow-up to the newspaper’s article on medical tourism and the medical device industry. The California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) program is the exemplar […]

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The Medicare bundlers — or is it bunglers? — are coming!

My long-time self-paying patient opined that the end of fee-for-service payments (payment for what you get) was imminent. I lightheartedly asked her how physicians would be paid. Would they be housed in military barracks and given vouchers for necessaries? Perhaps she read section 3023 of the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” (PPACA or “ObamaCare”), […]